is intended for neighborhood and household communications that assist in the promotion of health and safety and the personal interests of the participants.  Please do not post offensive, false or misleading information and let us know if you notice any on this web site.


Volunteer based: This site is run by volunteers as they have time to support it. Please be patient if any query is not immediately answered.

Privacy: This computer system keeps various records of its own operations and interactions with users of its website, email and other electronic services. These records will include user IP addresses, links to retrieved and submitted pages, browser information and email and other messages. These electronic records are constantly being reviewed by running programs and occasionally people to ensure that associated computers are functioning normally and to protect against the thousands of probes and hack attempts that occur every day. The records are also used for analyzing the type of traffic coming into our machines. Logs, emails and any stored user information are not shared with or sold to anyone and will only be revealed to others for reasons of apparent user criminality, to protect against a compromised user computer or in response to a verified Court Order from the appropriate jurisdiction.